22 Jul 2010

Se acabaron las vacaciones! - Holidays finished!

(for English text, please scroll down!)

Se acabaron las vacaciones!

Esta manana he llegado a Basel y ya estoy currando de nuevo (bueno, justo ahora estoy de 'lunch time').

Que shock! Ayer me levantaba en Noruega y hoy trabajando, ugh!!!

Justo cuando termine de comer, me escapo al parking a descargar a Heidi.

Tal cual he llegado esta manana, la he dejado en el parking y he ido corriendo a casa a ver a Joan. Que ganas tenia de verlo! Que guapo que esta! Que bien que me lo han cuidado!

Se ve que el pobre ha sufrido un poquillo con el calor de los ultimo dias y ha decidido ponerse a mudar todo su pelo de golpe. Que horror! Lo he estado cepillando casi una hora y aun suelta pelo... Tengo pa rellenar dos almohadones...

A ver si este finde me da tiempo a colgar mas fotos y hacer un poco de resumen del viaje...

Anteayer venia pensando en escaparme este finde a los Alpes, pero creo que mejor me quedo en casa a descansar y poner unas cuantas cosas en orden. Ademas, tengo el pulgar derecho hecho polvo. Ayer me lo pille con la puerta que daba al parking del hotel de Kristiansand y me duele bastante. Si no se me pasa en un par de dias, ire al medico que le de un vistazo, no sea que haya algun mini-hueso tocado...

Ayer en el tren nocturno Hamburg-Lörrach hice unos pocos de numeros:

Heidi y yo hemos hecho 7.400 y pico Km.

6.400 de los cuales, en Noruega.

A estos hay que anadirles 1.600 Km en tren por Alemania e infinitos ferris por Escandinavia. Tengo que coger el mapa y contar los ferris, pero creo que habremos cogido unos 20 (o mas!).

Heidi ha gastado una media de 5.2 litros (segun el ordenador de a bordo).

Se ha bebido tambien 750 ml de aceite.

Lo mejor de todo: NO NOS HEMOS CAIDO NI UNA VEZ (nos ha ido justito varias veces, pero Heidi no ha besado el suelo, hemos aguantado como unas campeonas!)

Despues de este viaje juntas, hemos decidido que estamos hechas la una para la otra y que nos espera una larga vida en comun!

Lo dicho, a ver si este finde me da tiempo a colgar unas fotos y un resumen del viaje!

Beso gordisimo,

Marta & Heidi.

Holidays finished!

This morning I’ve arrived to Basel and I’m working again (well, right now it’s my 'lunch time').

What a shock! Yesterday I woke up in Norway and today I’m working in Basel, ugh!!!

When finishing lunch, I’ll quickly go to the parking to take all luggage home (Heidi is still fully loaded!). This morning, when I’ve arrived, I’ve left her in the parking and rushed home to see my cat. Oh my God! How I’ve missed him! He’s doing great, my friends have taken very good care of him!

Looks like the poor thing has suffered a lot due to the heat of the last days and has decided to molt all his fur in one go. What a pain! The apartment is full of cat fur… I’ve had been brushing him for one hour and the brush got full of fur every time… Have enough stuff for two pillows…

Let’s see if this weekend I can upload more pics and make a summary report of the trip… I’d also like to write the full daily reports (like I did for day 1 and day 2) but not quite sure if I’ll have enough time… (but I’ll try, because this is what I really like doing!)

The day before yesterday I was thinking of going to the Alps this weekend, but today I’ve thought that I better stayed at home and do a bit of work and housekeeping. Additionally I have pain in my right thumb. Yesterday I trapped it with the door leading to the parking at the hotel in Kristiansand and I think it’s getting worse. If it doesn’t improve in a couple of days, I’ll go to the doctor (maybe there’s some issue with some small bone…).

Yesterday in the night train from Hamburg to Lörrach I did some calculations:

Heidi and I have done 7.400 Km. together (a bit more maybe).

6.400 of these, in Norway

We should add to this the 1.600 Km done by train through Germany and the countless ferries in Scandinavia (need to check the map, but I guess we’ve taken 20 or more!).

According to Heidi’s computer, she has drunk an average of 5.2 liters each 100 Km.

She has also drunk 750 ml of motor oil.

But the best is: we haven’t fallen down! Zero falls! (we were about to fall down a few times, but we managed to stand!)

After this long trip together, we’ve decided that we are made for each other!

Ok, time to go to the parking! As said above, I’ll try to post more things this weekend!

Big hug,

Marta & Heidi.

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